7 Things Your Husband Need To Make Him Happy
Jul 26, 2022
- Respect Him
In Ephesians 5:33, the bible says that husbands are to love their wives and that wives should respect their husbands. Respect is essential to your husband, just as how love is very much important to you. When you show respect towards your husband, it often translates to love in his mind. You do not need to tell your husband "I love you" all day long. That would annoy some husbands. That is not what drives him. Give him respect, and it will change his behavior and attitude towards you.
If he feels like you disapprove of him, his career, or the things that he believes to be integral to who he is as a man, he will have a hard time trusting and loving you. He is already challenged in our culture as his role and identity shift. He is being minimized, criticized, and emasculated by society, which thinks he is not valuable anymore. You bring assurance to him that he is valued and needed. A husband wants his wife to respect his direction in life even if she does not fully understand his vision. It is fascinating that even when a man is not doing what is right, he still thinks he should be respected. That is because it is part of what makes him who he is, but respect is not given it is earned.
- Approval And Praise Him
Men have an ego, and we often are very sensitive about it. We love to display bravery and strength with our masculinity, but nothing excites us more than getting approval and praise from our wives. Men like frequent reassurance about themselves too. Tell him how great of a husband and father he is. Tell your husband the good things you love about him, let him know he is a great provider, and you will elevate him to a higher level. Men need less verbal praise than women nonetheless, it is required to keep them feeling valuable. So ladies, let your appreciation for your husband be heard with both action and words. Tell your man exactly what you find attractive about him. Let him know what physical features of his are your favorites.
- Sexual Connection
Your husband needs sex; that's it, period. I am sorry, wives, but I cannot put it any plainer than that. If he is not getting the sex, he so desires, he is not connected to you as he should. Your husband connects better through a sexual encounter, and wives connect better through verbal communication, intimacy, and affection. This does not mean your husband needs sex 24/7 to feel connected to you, most certainly not. I am sure he also enjoys just looking at his wife. Your husband does not connect only through sex but also through conversation. Men like to communicate through non-sexual responses, as they do through sex.
Your husband does not want to be the one who always initiates sex. That is a BIG turn-off for him. He wants to be desired too. Talk to him and let him know how you feel about him.
- Physical Attraction
Physical attractiveness is the degree to which a person's physical features are considered aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. The term often implies sexual attractiveness or desirability but can also be distinct from either.
Your husband's sexuality is through his eyes; he gravitates to what he sees. He is attracted to your beauty. He is visual by nature, and his eye gate activates his sexual passion. Dressing up and looking nice will always get your husband's attention.
There is a reason why God presented the woman to the man. God wanted Adam to take a good look at the beauty of the woman who came out of him. Adam almost lost his mind because of her beauty. He said, "She is bone of my bone flesh of my flesh I will call her Woman because she came out of me."
You are missing the mark if you are not maintaining an exceptional posture and an excellent physical appearance. Your husband gravitates to it, and it helps to keep his focus on you.
Women need love, intimacy, and affection to be happy. He needs to see you dressed, appealing and attractive to him. Wives, you must learn how to keep your husband's eyes fixed on you.
- Emotional Intimacy
From a very young age, men are taught to avoid appearing weak at all costs. We were told to take it like a man. Man, don't cry, and we are weak if we show emotion. That is a lie the devil sold us, and we see how it as affects many marriages today. A lot of men become physically abusive because they hold all their frustrations and pain inside. We were taught that talking about it makes us weak. When a man can open up to his wife, it means the world to him. Most men have not spoken to anyone about their issues since childhood.
You should be his safe space and place when he feels vulnerable. He should feel free to expose the cracks in his armor and allow you to help him heal.
Men will open up emotionally eventually, but they need to trust you with their feelings first. He needs that assurance that when he opens up to you, he will not be judged. His vulnerability will not be thrown back into his face the first chance you get. Your husband is not flawed in his imperfection. It is what makes him human.
- Space
This can be very sensitive to a wife when a man says he needs some space. When your husband goes downstairs and spends two hours watching television, don't get mad, it is normal for a man. There is a difference between the masculine and feminine characters. Males tend to draw primarily towards independence, while women are drawn towards intimacy. Both are needed in the relationship, and it is not often easy to find them. However, a man wants that space to breathe, not because he does not want to be around you. That space helps him to re-calibrate and focus on you. It reassures him of what he has and how important you are to him. Let him have his me time. Let him go golfing or whatever he likes to do for fun. A man will be that much happier for you to receive him when he returns, knowing that you trust both him and the strength of your bond enough to let him have his space. Having his space comes with responsibility and trust.
- Security/Commitment
Men and women are both attracted to certainty in a relationship. The more a man feels like his partner is in it for the long haul, the more ready and able he is to be able to open up to her. When your husband is vested in the marriage, he will protect his investment by any means necessary. A man will not protect what he did not invest in.
But security goes deeper than just the fact that you won't leave him. The protection that he feels ties back into several of these points mentioned above. He feels secure in knowing that you approve of him. And he feels secure with a partner who takes the necessary steps to love him in a way that honors him. When you add value to his life, he feels more confident in the marriage. Every husband wants to come home to this type of environment