Best-Selling Books

Relationship advice Before marriage.

Many people are rushing into marriage because they say they are in love yet love alone will not make your marriage work. It takes more than love to build a successful marriage. Are you comfortable with yourself? Are you happy with who you are? Do you have a relationship with God and with yourself? Have you any personal accomplishment in your life that you are proud of? If not, are you in the process of accomplishing anything worthwhile? Most of you are frustrated with where you are in your personal life, and you are looking for marriage to fill that void. I am sorry to disappoint you. You can’t ask of marriage what it was not created to give. This is the very reason why many couples are unhappy in their marriage.


Dating And Courting With Godly Purpose:

There is still hope for you.

In dating and courting with godly purpose, you will learn and some of these questions answered

  • Why are you dating?
  • What is the purpose for being in the relationship you are in now?
  • Do you date because you have to, or because you want to?
  • Why self-love is important for a successful marriage
  • Do’s and Don’t for online Dating
  • Will God choose your mate for you?
  • How to enjoy your singleness while waiting to be found.
  • And much more

 A Successful Marriage and Relationship

In this book Dauren reveals some key points that your marriage needs to be successful. A successful marriage is not built in a day it is built daily. Marriage requires work, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Built to Last will highlight some key area that all marriage needs to be successful.



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